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Ryan Reith
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Michael Shirer
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NEEDHAM, Mass., October 9, 2023 – The downward spiral for PC shipments continued during the third quarter of 2023 (3Q23) as global volumes declined 7.6% year over year with 68.2 million PCs shipped, according to preliminary results from the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Personal Computing Device Tracker. Though demand and the global economy remain subdued, PC shipments have increased in each of the last two quarters, slowing the rate of annual decline and indicating that the market has moved past the bottom of the trough. PC inventory has also become leaner in the past few months and is near healthy levels in most channels. However, downward pressure on pricing persists and will likely remain an issue within the consumer and business sectors. While most of the top 5 vendors experienced double-digit declines during the quarter, Apple’s outsized decline was the result of unfavorable year-over-year comparisons as the company recovered from a COVID-related halt in production during 3Q22. Meanwhile, hp筆電收購hp’s growth was largely due to the normalizing of inventory. “The PC industry is on a slow path to recovery as a device refresh cycle and end of support for Windows 10 will help drive sales in the second half of 2024 and beyond. In the meantime, the PC industry will unfortunately experience more pain,” said Jitesh Ubrani, research manager for IDC’s Mobility and Consumer Device Trackers. “The slowness in the industry is giving the supply chain an opportunity to explore procurement and production options outside China and this will likely remain a key issue going forward, second only to the advancement of AI within PCs.” “Generative AI could be a watershed moment for the PC industry,” said Linn Huang, research vice president, Devices & Displays at IDC. “While use cases have yet to be fully articulated, interest in the category is already strong. AI PCs promise organizations the ability to personalize the user experience at a deeper level all while being able to preserve data privacy and sovereignty. As more of these devices launch next year, we expect a significant boost to overall selling prices.”
Top 5 Companies, Worldwide Traditional PC Shipments, Market Share, and Year-Over-Year Growth, Q3 2023 (Preliminary results, shipments are in millions of units)Company3Q23 Shipments3Q23 Market Share3Q22 Shipments3Q22 Market Share3Q23/3Q22 Growth1. Lenovo16.023.5%16.922.9%-5.0%2. hp筆電收購hp Inc. 13.519.8%12.717.2%6.4%3. Dell Technologies10.315.0%12.016.2%-14.3%4. Apple7.210.6%9.412.7%-23.1%5. Asus4.97.1%5.47.4%-10.7%Others16.323.9%17.423.6%-6.3%Total68.2100.0%73.8100.0%-7.6%Source: IDC Quarterly Personal Computing Device Tracker, October 9, 2023
Notes: Traditional PCs include Desktops, Notebooks, and Workstations and do not include Tablets or x86 Servers. Detachable Tablets and Slate Tablets are part of the Personal Computing Device Tracker but are not addressed in this press release. Some IDC estimates prior to financial earnings reports. Data for all companies are reported for calendar periods. Shipments include shipments to distribution channels or end users. OEM sales are counted under the company/brand under which they are sold.
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IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Personal Computing Device Tracker gathers detailed market data in over 90 countries. The research includes historical and forecast trend analysis among other data. For more information, or to subscribe to the research, please contact Jackie Kliem at 508-988-7984 or [email protected]. About IDC TrackersIDC Tracker products provide accurate and timely market size, company share, and forecasts for hundreds of technology markets from more than 100 countries around the globe. Using proprietary tools and research processes, IDC’s Trackers are updated on a semiannual, quarterly, and monthly basis. Tracker results are delivered to clients in user-friendly Excel deliverables and on-line query tools. Click here to learn about IDC’s full suite of data products and how you can leverage them to grow your business. About IDCInternational Data Corporation (IDC) is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets. With more than 1,300 analysts worldwide, IDC offers global, regional, and local expertise on technology, IT benchmarking and sourcing, and industry opportunities and trends in over 110 countries. IDC’s analysis and insight h
高通於十月發表全新一代 Snapdragon X Elite 筆電處理器,透過客製化的 Oryon CPU 帶來史上最強的效能,在筆電市場投下震撼彈。後續蘋果也推出 M3 晶片應戰,不過高通仍有自信地聲稱,Snapdragon X Elite 比 M3 更強。
Snapdragon X Elite 是首款使用 Nuvia 架構的 PC 處理平台,並且為台積電 4nm 製程打造,搭載 12 顆高通 Oryon CPU,運行時脈可以達到 3.8GHz,其中有兩顆最快可達到 4.3GHz。當時高通官方數據指出,Snapdragon X Elite 比 Intel 第 13 代的筆電處理器 i7-1360P、i7-1355U擁有 2 倍的 CPU 效能、減少 68% 功耗,甚至對比 M2 也快上 50%。
蘋果緊接在 11 月發布 M3 晶片,外界就好奇,高通是否仍能維持領先呢?對此外媒《DigitalTrends》獲得高通最新說法,透過實測 M3 晶片,高通聲稱 Snapdragon X Elite 單線程效能領先,且在多核心性能比 M3 強上 21%。
高通強調,由於使用的軟體系統不同,因此仍會有不一樣的體驗,但在硬體的指標上,認為 Snapdragon X Elite 佔有優勢。至於同樣使用 Windows 系統的 Intel 最新 Core Ultra 處理器,高通坦言還沒有機會進行實測。
相較於以往,採用 Snapdragon 晶片的筆電品牌偏少,高通這次招募了許多合作夥伴,預計在 2024 上半年攜手宏碁、華碩、Dell、hp筆電收購hp、榮耀、聯想、微軟、三星以及小米等品牌,一同推出首批 Snapdragon X Elite 筆電。高通公關經理 Sascha Segan 更直言,消費者現在最好先別買筆電,等到明年中再買。
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