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我們專業經營各項3C高價回收,收購電競筆電,文書筆電,輕薄筆 電,MSI,ASUS,ACER,HP,Razer,GIGABYBE,Microsoft,,多通路多管道,非坊間垃圾回收價,價格不怕您比較,歡迎企業戶汰舊換新,續約販賣,分期換現,電競筆電, 二手汰舊,手機,筆電,相機,鏡頭,空拍機
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Amazon’s No. 1 bestselling printer is the hp筆電收購hp Deskjet 2755e. It’s not hard to see why. For just $85, you get a wireless color printer, scanner, and six months of free ink. It also comes with hp筆電收購hp Plus, one of the most dastardly schemes Big Inkjet has ever unleashed.
I’m not talking about how printers quietly waste their own ink, or pretend cartridges are empty when they’re not, or lock out official cartridges from other regions. Heck, I’m not even talking about “Dynamic Security,” the delightful feature where new hp筆電收購hp firmware updates secretly contain malware that blocks batches of third-party cartridges while pretending to harden your printhead against hacks.
No, the genius of hp筆電收購hp’s latest scheme is that it’s hiding in plain sight, daring you to unwittingly sign away your rights. Take the free ink, and hp筆電收購hp controls your printer for life.
First introduced in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, hp筆電收購hp Plus was built around FOMO right from the start. You get just seven days to claim your free ink, starting the moment you plug a new printer into the wall. Act now, and it’ll also extend your warranty a full year, give you an “Advanced hp筆電收購hp Smart app,” and plant trees on your behalf. Because why wouldn’t you want to save the forest?
Here’s one reason, as detailed in a new complaint by the International Imaging Technology Council (IITC) that might turn into a false advertising fight: hp筆電收購hp Plus comes with a firmware update that utterly removes your printer’s ability to accept third-party ink. You have to buy “genuine” hp筆電收購hp ink as long as you use the printer.
Why wouldn’t you want to save the forest? Oh
It’s not clear exactly how hp筆電收購hp has managed to fully block third-party cartridges, but it appears to be true. My own local CompAndSave, which distributes ink cartridges from some of the biggest third-party manufacturers in the world, tells me those vendors have not yet found a way to get their aftermarket carts (or even user-refilled “genuine hp筆電收購hp” cartridges) working with an hp筆電收購hp Plus printer.
It’d be one thing if you could cancel hp筆電收購hp Plus and start using your printer normally again, but nope! Even though hp筆電收購hp claims you can “change or cancel anytime,” there’s no way to deactivate the firmware, hp筆電收購hp’s own tech support told the IITC. (A Verge source corroborates this as well.)
“In fact, the only way a customer can get rid of hp筆電收購hp+ once activated is to buy a new printer,” the IITC writes. hp筆電收購hp didn’t answer our questions about the firmware update, including why it isn’t prominently disclosed that there’s no way to uninstall it.
The IITC, a group that represents ink cartridge remanufacturers, isn’t suing the world’s leading printer company just yet. The complaint instead seeks to push back on hp筆電收購hp’s environmental credentials by petitioning a nonprofit organization, the Global Electronics Council (GEC), which maintains an “EPEAT” registry of environmentally sound products.
Would you like to see the crux of that argument? I went full Blinking White Guy when I saw: hp筆電收購hp, the company that repeatedly admits it blocks third-party cartridges for your own good, is telling an environmental group it doesn’t do that at all.
See, when hp筆電收購hp gets these printers on the EPEAT registry, it successfully greenwashes its reputation. The company gets to stick EPEAT labels all over its website and products, each of which suggests an independent third party has certified that hp筆電收購hp genuinely cares about the planet.
But EPEAT has a very specific rule that certified printers cannot prevent the use of non-OEM cartridges, and hp筆電收購hp Plus is just the latest in a long line of ways that hp筆電收購hp ties you to its own ink.
Incredibly, the Global Electronics Council seems to be well aware of hp筆電收購hp Plus and is mostly playing along. For example, the hp筆電收購hp Deskjet 2755e and family are currently considered EPEAT Silver, with only a footnote that “the optional hp筆電收購hp+ configuration does not meet required criterion”
“[A]ny printer that is documented as including hp筆電收購hp+ should not be eligible for EPEAT registration,” the IITC argues, adding that hp筆電收購hp’s Dynamic Security feature is also a clear violation of the same rule — since even hp筆電收購hp admits it’s designed to “block cartridges using non-hp筆電收購hp chips or modified or non-hp筆電收購hp electronic circuitry.”
The IITC says hp筆電收購hp has issued four “killer firmware updates” in the last eight weeks alone to quietly block third-party cartridges from working in EPEAT-registered hp筆電收購hp inkjet printers and at least 26 against hp筆電收購hp laser printers. hp筆電收購hp didn’t answer our question about EPEAT compliance.
But I don’t want you to get too distracted with “Dynamic Security,” because I haven’t quite finished warning you about hp筆電收購hp’s free ink.
Here are a few choice quotes from the terms and conditions for hp筆電收購hp’s ink service that I think you’ll appreciate (bolding mine):
You expressly allow hp筆電收購hp to remotely change, patch, update or otherwise modify Your printer’s software, firmware or programming remotely, without notice to You, in order to provide the Service to You or to comply with applicable laws
Remote monitoring may include provision to hp筆電收購hp of one or more of: page counts, types of documents printed (e.g., Word, PowerPoint, pdf, jpeg, etc.), types of devices that initiated print jobs, printer serial number, cartridge information (e.g. hp筆電收購hp original cartridge status, and whether the cartridge was new or used at the time of its last insertion into the printer), and other similar types of metrics related to your Service as may be added by hp筆電收購hp from time to time
You agree to maintain connectivity of Your Printer to the Internet and to not remove or disable any remote monitoring software or functionality on Your Printer
If Your printer is not connected to the Internet, then the Subscription Cartridges (as defined in section d. below) will be disabled, and You will not be able to use them to print; however, You will continue to be charged for the Service as described in Section 7 (“Paying for Your Service”). In order to reactivate disabled cartridges, You will need to reconnect Your printer to the Internet and keep it connected
When Your Service is cancelled for any reason, hp筆電收購hp will remotely disable the Subscription Cartridges and You will no longer be able to print with the Subscription Cartridges. In such a case, you will need to purchase a regular hp筆電收購hp cartridge compatible with your printer, in order to continue printing
hp筆電收購hp may increase or otherwise change the Service Plan Fee and Overage Fee, and add additional fees, for any Service Plan, or otherwise change or add Service Plans at any time in hp筆電收購hp’s sole discretion with prior notice to You
Printer ink is one of the most expensive fluids in the entire world. Free ink is tempting! But please don’t take the free ink. Please do make fun of Inkjet Supply and Hostage Situations Incorporated until these companies change their tune. (There is precedent.)
高通於十月發表全新一代 Snapdragon X Elite 筆電處理器,透過客製化的 Oryon CPU 帶來史上最強的效能,在筆電市場投下震撼彈。後續蘋果也推出 M3 晶片應戰,不過高通仍有自信地聲稱,Snapdragon X Elite 比 M3 更強。
Snapdragon X Elite 是首款使用 Nuvia 架構的 PC 處理平台,並且為台積電 4nm 製程打造,搭載 12 顆高通 Oryon CPU,運行時脈可以達到 3.8GHz,其中有兩顆最快可達到 4.3GHz。當時高通官方數據指出,Snapdragon X Elite 比 Intel 第 13 代的筆電處理器 i7-1360P、i7-1355U擁有 2 倍的 CPU 效能、減少 68% 功耗,甚至對比 M2 也快上 50%。
蘋果緊接在 11 月發布 M3 晶片,外界就好奇,高通是否仍能維持領先呢?對此外媒《DigitalTrends》獲得高通最新說法,透過實測 M3 晶片,高通聲稱 Snapdragon X Elite 單線程效能領先,且在多核心性能比 M3 強上 21%。
高通強調,由於使用的軟體系統不同,因此仍會有不一樣的體驗,但在硬體的指標上,認為 Snapdragon X Elite 佔有優勢。至於同樣使用 Windows 系統的 Intel 最新 Core Ultra 處理器,高通坦言還沒有機會進行實測。
相較於以往,採用 Snapdragon 晶片的筆電品牌偏少,高通這次招募了許多合作夥伴,預計在 2024 上半年攜手宏碁、華碩、Dell、hp筆電收購hp、榮耀、聯想、微軟、三星以及小米等品牌,一同推出首批 Snapdragon X Elite 筆電。高通公關經理 Sascha Segan 更直言,消費者現在最好先別買筆電,等到明年中再買。
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